REET Syllabus 2024: अगर आप भी राजस्थान रीट की परीक्षा में शामिल होने वाले हैं तो हमारा यह आर्टिकल राजस्थान शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा ( REET) के सिलेबस और एग्जाम पैटर्न के बारे में है। राजस्थान रीट की परीक्षा में 2 सिलेबस Level 1 और Level 2 होता है। रीट सिलेबस लेवल 1 का परीक्षा कक्षा 1 से पांचवी तक के बच्चों को पढ़ाने के लिए होता है। जबकि वहीं रीट सिलेबस लेवल 2 कक्षा 6 से 8 तक के बच्चों को पढ़ाने के लिए एग्जाम लिया जाता है।
REET Syllabus 2024 के इस आर्टिकल में हम आपको विस्तार पूर्वक रीट सिलेबस लेवल 1 और लेवल 2 के बारे में बताएंगे, जिसके लिए आपको हमारे इस आर्टिकल में बने रहना होगा।
REET Syllabus 2024: Overview
Artical Name | REET Syllabus 2024 |
Artical Type | Syllabus |
REET Exam Leval | Leval 1 And Leval 2 |
Total Questions | (Leval 1 -150), (Leval 2 – 150) |
Total Marks | 150 (each level) |
Official Website | |
रीट लेवल 1 और लेवल 2 की नई सिलेबस जारी यहाँ देखें – REET Syllabus 2024
रीट परीक्षा के अभ्यर्थियों को जानकारी के लिए हम बता देना चाहते हैं कि इस परीक्षा के एग्जाम पैटर्न समझ लेने से आप पता चलता है कि कौन-कौन से सब्जेक्ट से कितने नंबरों का सवाल पूछा जाएगा तथा रीट की परीक्षा में कुल कितने सब्जेक्ट से सवाल पूछे जा सकते हैं। तो आइए इस आर्टिकल की मदद से REET Syllabus 2024 को समझते वा देखते हैं।
REET Exam Pattern 2024 for Level 1 & 2
- रीट की परीक्षा Level 1, कक्षा 1 से 5वी तक के बच्चों को पढ़ाने के लिए लिया जाता है।
- जबकि वहीं रीट की परीक्षा Level 2, कक्षा 6 से आठवीं तक के बच्चों को पढ़ाने के लिए लिया जाता है।
- रीट की परीक्षा लेवल 1 और लेवल 2, प्रतेक मे 150 नंबर के सवाल पूछे जाते हैं।
- प्रतेक प्रश्न पत्र को हल करने के लिए 150 (2.30Minute) मिनट का समय दिया जाता है।
- Negative Marking – Yes
REET Exam Pattern 2024 For Level 1 -(Class 1 to 5)
Subject Name | Questions | Marks |
Child Development and Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
Language I (compulsory)(Language-1 Hindi/English/Sanskrit/Urdu
/Sindhi/Punjabi/Gujarati) |
30 | 30 |
Language II (compulsory)
(Language-2 Hindi/English/Sanskrit/Urdu/Sindhi /Punjabi/Gujarati) |
30 | 30 |
Mathematics | 30 | 30 |
Environmental Studies | 30 | 30 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
REET Exam Pattern 2024 For Level 2 -(Class 6 to 8)
Subject Name | Questions | Marks |
Child Development & Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
Language 1 (Language-1 Hindi/English/Sanskrit/Urdu
/Sindhi/Punjabi/Gujarati) |
30 | 30 |
Language 2 (Language-2 Hindi/English/Sanskrit/Urdu/Sindhi
/Punjabi/Gujarati) |
30 | 30 |
Mathematics & Science (For Maths & Science Teacher) Social Science for Social Science Teacher | 30 | 30 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
REET Child Development & Pedagogy Syllabus
1. Child Development
- Concept of growth and development
- Principles and dimensions of development
- Factors affecting development (family and school context)
- Relationship of development with learning
2.Role of Heredity and Environment
- Influence of heredity and environment on child development
3.Meaning and Concept of Learning
- Processes of learning
4.Theories of Learning
- Behaviorism
- Gestalt
- Cognitivism
- Constructivism
- Implications of learning theories
5.How Children Learn
- Learning process
- Reflection, Imagination, and Argument
- Constructivism and Experiential learning
- Concept mapping, Investigatory approach, Problem-solving
- Concept and implications for learning
7.Individual Differences
- Meaning and types of individual differences
- Factors affecting individual differences
- Understanding individual differences
8. Personality
- Concept and types of personality
- Factors shaping personality
- Personality measurement
9. Intelligence
- Concept, theories, and measurement of intelligence
- Multidimensional intelligence and its implications
10. Understanding Diverse Learners
- Backward and mentally retarded learners
- Gifted and creative learners
- Disadvantaged and deprived learners
- Specially-abled learners and CWSN
- Children with learning disabilities
11. Learning Difficulties
- Concept of learning difficulties
12. Adjustment
- Concept and ways of adjustment
- Role of teachers in adjustment
13.Teaching-Learning Process
- Strategies and methods of teaching-learning
- Context of National Curriculum Framework 2005
14.Assessment, Measurement, and Evaluation
- Meaning and purposes of assessment
- Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation (CCE)
- Construction of achievement tests
- Learning outcomes
15. Action Research
- Concept and importance of action research
16. Right to Education Act 2009
- Role and responsibilities of teachers
REET Language-I & Language-II Syllabus
1. Unseen Prose Passage
- Reading comprehension and analysis
2. Vocabulary
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- Spellings
- Word-formation
- One-word substitution
3. Grammar
- Parts of speech
- Tenses
- Determiners
- Degrees of comparison
4. Framing Questions
- Including Wh-questions
- Active and Passive voice
5. Narration
- Direct and indirect speech
6. Phonetics
- Knowledge of English sounds and phonetic symbols
7. Principles of Teaching English
- Key principles for effective language teaching
8. Methods and Approaches to English Language Teaching
- Various methods and pedagogical approaches
9. Development of Language Skills
- Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing
10. Teaching-Learning Materials
- Use of textbooks
- Multimedia materials
- Other resources
11. Evaluation
- Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation (CCE)
- Evaluation techniques in English Language
REET Maths Syllabus
1. Numbers
- Whole numbers up to one crore
- Place value and comparison
2. Fundamental Mathematical Operations
- Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division
3. Indian Currency
- Understanding and usage of Indian currency
4. Fractions
- Concept of fractions and proper fractions
- Comparison of proper fractions with the same and unequal denominators
- Mixed fractions
- Addition and subtraction of fractions
5. Prime and Composite Numbers
- Prime factors
- Lowest Common Multiple (LCM)
- Highest Common Factor (HCF)
6. Arithmetic
- Unitary law
- Average
- Profit and Loss
- Simple Interest
7. Geometry
- Plane and curved surfaces
- Plane and solid geometrical figures
- Properties of plane geometrical figures
- Concepts of point, line, ray, line segment
- Angles and their types
8. Measurement
- Length, Weight, Capacity, Time
- Measurement of area and standard units
- Relationship between units
- Area and perimeter of square and rectangular surfaces
9. Mathematics and its Nature
- Logical thinking and nature of mathematics
- Place of mathematics in the curriculum
- Language of mathematics
- Community mathematics
10. Data Management
- Collection and interpretation of data
11. Evaluation
- Formal and informal methods of evaluation
12. Teaching Challenges
- Problems of teaching mathematics
- Error analysis and aspects of learning and teaching
- Diagnostic and remedial teaching
REET Environmental Science Syllabus
1. Family
- Personal relationships
- Nuclear and joint families
- Social abuses:
- Child marriage
- Dowry system
- Child labor
- Theft
- Addiction (intoxication, smoking) and its personal, social, and economic bad effects
2. Clothes and Habitats
- Clothes for different seasons
- Maintenance of clothes at home
- Handloom and power loom
- Habitats of living beings
- Various types of houses
- Cleanliness of houses and surroundings
3. Profession
- Professions in your surroundings (stitching, gardening, farming, animal rearing, vegetable vending, etc.)
- Small and cottage industries
- Major industries of Rajasthan
- Need for consumer protection
- Co-operative societies
- Materials for building houses
4. Our Culture and Civilization
- National symbols and national festivals
- Fairs and festivals of Rajasthan
- Dresses and ornaments of Rajasthan
- Food habits and architecture of Rajasthan
- Tourist places of Rajasthan
- Major great personalities and pride of Rajasthan
- Heritage of Rajasthan:
* Forts, palaces, and monuments, Paintings of Rajasthan, Lok-Devta of Rajasthan
5. Transport and Communication
- Means of transport and communication
- Rules for pedestrians and transport
- Traffic symbols
- Effects of communication means on lifestyle
6. Personal Hygiene
- External parts of the body and their cleanliness
- General information about internal body parts
- Balanced diet and its importance
- Common diseases:
* Gastroenteritis, Amoebiosis, Methemoglobin, Anemia, Fluorosis, Malaria, Dengue
REET Social Science Syllabus
1. Indian Civilization, Culture, and Society
- Overview of Indian civilization
- Cultural heritage and societal structures
2. Mauryan & Gupta Empires and Post-Gupta Period
- Mauryan Empire
- Gupta Empire
- Achievements and contributions
- Post-Gupta developments
3. Medieval and Modern Period
- Key events and developments during medieval India
- Transformations in the modern period (British Rule, Independence Movement)
4. Indian Constitution and Democracy
- Fundamental principles of the Indian Constitution
- Democratic institutions and their functioning
5. Government: Composition and Functions
- Structure of government at local, state, and central levels
- Functions of different branches of government
6. Earth and Our Environment
- Physical features of Earth
- Environmental systems
- Importance of environmental conservation
7. Geography and Resources of India
- Natural resources of India: land, water, forests, and minerals
- Economic activities and their geographical distribution
8. Geography and Resources of Rajasthan
- Natural resources and economic activities in Rajasthan
- Geography of Rajasthan
9. History of Rajasthan
- Important historical events and figures in Rajasthan’s history
10. Art and Culture of Rajasthan
- Major art forms, crafts, music, dance, and cultural traditions of Rajasthan
11. Issues related to teaching social studies
- Issues related to teaching social studies
- Approaches, methods, and challenges in teaching social studies
इस तरह से उपरोक्त मे हमने REET सिलेबस के बारे में बताया
Important Link – Reet syllabus in hindi pdf
REET Syllabus Level 1 PDF | click hare |
REET Syllabus Level 2 PDF | Click hare |
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FAQs – REET Syllabus 2024
रीट में कितने नंबर पर सिलेक्शन होता है?
रीट मे General कैटिगरी के उम्मीदवार के लिए न्यूनतम 60% और ST/SC/OBC/MBS/EWS के 55%, Widows, Separated and Ex-Servicemen के लिए 50% तथा Disability कैटिगरी के लिए 40% अंक लाना होगा।